
新學年剛開始,我藉此機會代表教學中心(CLT),祝願大家新學年教學生活豐盛美滿。教學不僅是一個提高我們學科知識和教學實踐的學習過程,也促進「逆向輔導」,讓我們從學生身上學習,例如從學生身上,我學會Facebook、Instagram和Pokémon Go等最新穎有趣的事物。「逆向輔導」能建立師生之間的關係和信任,如使用得當,更能夠作為一種建構知識的學與教策略。隨著職業訓練局三年策略計劃(2017至2020年)發佈新的學與教項目,本學年將是既有意義又富挑戰性的一年。教學旅程就像一場探險,充滿令人驚喜和難忘的事。有人以教學比喻為乘坐過山車,當我們欣賞教學成果上那壯麗景色時,也應為迎面而來的崎嶇及轉折作好準備。就讓我們緊密合作,攜手度過這愉快之旅。 伍鈺堃博士 教學中心主管

Towards Another Year of Fruitful Teaching: Greetings from CLT

This new academic year has just begun; on behalf of Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT), I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a fruitful year of teaching. Teaching is not merely a learning process that enables us to enhance our subject knowledge and teaching practices; it also facilitates ‘reverse mentoring’ for us to learn from our students. For example, I learnt about Facebook, Instagram, Pokémon Go and other up-to-date interesting matters from my students. Reverse mentoring builds rapports and generates trust amongst teachers and students. When used appropriately as a learning and teaching strategy, it also allows us to construct knowledge. With the new learning and teaching initiatives from VTC’s 3-year Strategic Plan 2017-2020, this academic year will be a challenging and yet meaningful one. Much like an expedition, a teaching journey is full of surprises and memorable events. Some say teaching is comparable to a roller-coaster ride. When we are admiring the magnificent view at the apex of teaching success and achievement, we shall also prepare for the oncoming slopes and the twists and turns. Let’s work closely together to make this ride enjoyable. Dr Ricky Ng Head Centre for Learning and Teaching