Design Thinking

Resources Hub

Watch the following video about the voices of the next generation and think about how you may help in the education sector.

'Let¡¦s Work Heart'

by CUHK Mental Health Research

Watch the following video about the voices of the next generation and think about how you may help in the education sector.

About Design Thinking

Design Thinking has been a ubiquitous element in different walks of life over the past years. It is not exclusive to designers but can be practised by anyone who aims to change and innovate for more fulfilling purposes.

Design Thinking induces a new paradigm to see the world with a different experience. It is a type of thinking process that centres around humans and creates more practical and hands-on solutions or innovative ways of living and working. There are many variants of the Design Thinking process but they embody very similar underlying principles. This website provides resources on two widely-used Design Thinking models, namely the Five-stage Stanford Design Thinking Model proposed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford and the Double Diamond Design Thinking Model developed by the British Design Council.

Value in Society

Design Thinking is an iterative process that thinking and doing have to go hand in hand in order to achieve a desirable result. Rather than merely thinking differently or creatively, it is driven by deep empathy and careful observations followed by persistent actions to try, test and verify ideas, with the ultimate purpose of bringing value to the well-being of people, systems and society.

Value in Education

Design Thinking is a mindset essential to people in any capacities in the education sector, including students, teachers, curriculum writers, administrative personnel and managerial staff. It all starts with humans at the centre, which well links to the core essence of education, to develop students with the knowledge, skills and heart to help others and serve the community.

Ms Lillian Tsui
Secretary of the Work Group on Enhancing Design Thinking Skills in VTC Curriculum
Tel: 2836 1314

Ms Annie Lau
SPO of Centre for Learning and Teaching
Tel: 2836 1312