
讚揚老師的日子來臨了。本年九月十日(星期六)是敬師日。行政長官於一九九七年《施政報告》中宣布每年九月十日定為「敬師日」,藉此發揚尊師重道的精神。於新學年伊始設立敬師日,旨在提倡建立良好的師生關係,共建互信的學與教環境。世界各地超過一百個國家設立敬師日,而世界敬師日就定於每年的十月五日。這紀念日於一九九四年由聯合國教育、科學與文化組織 (聯合國教科文組織)訂立,旨在肯定教師在社會上的地位。每年舉辦敬師日目的為了紀念老師和教育工作者對教學與教育發展的貢獻。雖然各國的敬師日日期和形式未必相同,但大家都一致表揚和讚賞老師與教育工作者的貢獻。 為了表揚職業訓練局的教學人員,教學中心設計了一份小禮物聊表謝意。最新設計的A4文件夾將於敬師日前分發到各學術部門,希望各位喜歡這份小禮物。

Teachers' Day 2016

It is time for us to praise our teachers. This year’s Teachers’ Day is on 10 September (Saturday). The Chief Executive in the 1997 Policy Address announced and designated 10 September as "Teachers’ Day" in order to carry forward the spirit of respect for teachers. For holding Teachers’ Day at the beginning of a school year, it is hoped that teachers and students may establish good rapport and build learning and teaching environment with mutual trust. Teachers’ Day is observed in more than 100 countries around the world. World Teachers’ Day is held internationally on 5 October. It was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1994 to recognise the role of teachers in society. It is held annually to commemorate teachers and educators for their contribution to teaching and education development. Teachers’ Days may vary from country to country but the intent to present recognition and appreciation to teachers and educators is unanimous. In recognition and appreciation of VTC teaching staff, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) would like to express our gratitude with a small gift on this special occasion. A batch of newly designed A4 plastic folders will be delivered to academic departments by Teachers’ Day. Hope it would be well received.