Debut of the Student Ambassador Booklet 《學生大使手冊》出版了

為配合2015/16至2022/23八年策略計劃下「國際化」的課題,職業訓練局一直積極參與國際活動、會議和展覽,包括世界技能大賽、亞洲教育技術裝備展及廣州/香港/澳門/成都青年技能大賽等,讓學生擴闊國際視野。 為了讓訪客在留港期間感到賓至如歸,職業訓練局會任命學生大使在各活動中款待來賓。同時,藉此推動職業專才教育,促進跨文化學習,提升學生的相關知識和語文能力,以支援各項國際賽事及展覽。 學生大使的表現直接影響訪客對職業訓練局的觀感。他們履行職責時,應當認識恰當的禮儀及合適的服裝穿戴,並具備良好的溝通技巧。他們接受活動前培訓時,將獲得一本由教學中心、國際發展處、學生發展學科及工商管理學科合力編寫的《學生大使手冊》,以作參考資料,幫助他們成為優秀的學生大使。這本《學生大使手冊》以口袋大小設計,可用作記錄學生大使的服務經驗,亦作為紀念品贈予他們。 教學中心已向各部門派發一本《學生大使手冊》作參考及傳閱之用。如有查詢,請致電2919 1557或電郵 聯絡鍾潔雯女士。

設計精美的《學生大使手冊》。 (相片由教學中心提供,2016)

Debut of the Student Ambassador Booklet 《學生大使手冊》出版了

To support the Initiative of Internationalisation under the 8-Year Strategic Plan from 2015/16 to 2022/23 and enable students to broaden their horizons, Vocational Training Council (VTC) has been actively participating in international events, conferences and exhibitions, such as WorldSkills Competition, Worlddidac Asia, and Guangzhou/Hong Kong/Macao/Chengdu Youth Skills Competition. To make visitors enjoy their stay in Hong Kong and VTC, Student Ambassadors will be appointed to represent VTC in different events and activities to promote VTC’s vision in vocational and professional education and training (VPET), foster cross-cultural learning, and enhance students’ knowledge and language proficiency by supporting these international events. The Student Ambassadors play an important role in serving our visitors and the public. They would be equipped with proper etiquette, communication skills, dress-code and manner in order to fulfil their responsibilities. In addition to pre-event training sessions, a pocket-sized booklet would be provided to each Student Ambassador as a quick reference. The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) has prepared the Student Ambassador Booklet with support from the International Development Office (IDO), the Student Development (SD) Discipline and the Business Administration (BA) Discipline. The booklet aims to serve as a journal for the Student Ambassadors to record their experiences during the events and also as compliments to their services. A copy of the booklet has been distributed to each operational unit for reference and circulation. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Gloria Chung at 2919 1557 or email to

Student Ambassador Booklet with eye-catching design. (Photo courtesy of CLT, 2016)