教導特殊學習困難的學生 (ii)



圖像往往比文字傳達更多資訊 (Barthes, 1977; Fiske, 2010)。不少研究指出,圖像對文字學習具輔助的成效。因此,對於理解能力較弱或學習經驗較少的學生,圖象化學習能夠幫助他們理解和吸收知識。(Levie & Lentz,1982) [su_members login_url="https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/teaching-students-with-specific-learning-difficulties-ii/"] 青年學院職業中文課程的老師運用圖像令學生明白中文字的結構。這個方法對教導特殊學習困難的學生尤為有效。學生透過圖像聯想起中文字的部首,從而更有效地記住中文字的結構。 June Webline_v2_1

Acknowledgment: Teaching materials adopted from the Vocational Chinese Module in the Youth College Programme 鳴謝: 教材參考自青年學院職業中文科



部分老師覺得學生缺乏學習動機是其中一個教學挑戰。有學者認為如果學生能把已經學懂的知識應用於真實的情境,不但會提升學生的學習動機,還能加深學生對該課題的認知 (Cordova, & Lepper, 1996)。下文描述青年學院中專教育文憑數學課程中的一個學習活動,老師示範如何創造情境讓學生運用所學知識: [su_members login_url="https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/teaching-students-with-specific-learning-difficulties-ii/"] 在教授坐標時,老師會把課室變成座標圖。老師首先將學生分組,學生可以選擇座位,坐於課室不同位置。坐於課室中央的同學是坐標 (0,0)。坐於(0,0)前的同學是(0,1),而坐於(0,0)右手面的是(1,0),如此類推。老師隨意講出一個坐標,而該坐標的同學須回答問題。老師表示透過這個方法教學,不但能加深學生對坐標的認識,他們更會主動學習這課題。 June Webline_v2_2 [/su_members] 除了以上方法,老師亦分享了如何使用顏色幫助學生把文章重點分類,再作分析的教學法。相信大家已初步認識以上的教學方法及理念。畢竟,教學是一門藝術,有不同的表達方法,所以大家不妨多使用你的想像力和創作力於你的日常教學中! June Webline_v2_3

"Intense Color Coded Notes" by Michael Mandiberg is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (ii)

Practices used by Youth College teachers to teach students with specific learning difficulties (SLD) were first introduced in the issue of December 2014 (Article: Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties). In this issue, we will further look into other teaching methods which can help students with SLD learn better.


Visuals can convey more messages than words (Barthes, 1977; Fiske, 2010). A lot of studies have revealed that graphics and pictures can facilitate students’ learning, particularly those who have difficulties in perceiving ideas and have less learning experience. (Levie & Lentz,1982) [su_members login_url="https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/teaching-students-with-specific-learning-difficulties-ii/"] Teachers who teach Vocational Chinese Module in the Youth College Programme have used visuals to illustrate how Chinese characters are formed. This method is especially useful for students with SLD as they can associate the meanings of the part with the illustration and can, therefore, memorise the characters better. June Webline_v2_1

Acknowledgment: Teaching materials adopted from the Vocational Chinese Module in the Youth College Programme 鳴謝: 教材參考自青年學院職業中文科


Strengthen Students’ Learning Motivation through activity

Some teachers assert that one of the biggest challenges in learning and teaching is to arouse students’ interest in learning. Cordova and Lepper (1996) suggest that if students can apply what they had learnt in context, students will be more motivated to learn and will also acquire a better understanding of the subject matter. Below is an example taken from the Mathematics Modules in the Youth College's Diploma in Vocational Studies (DVE) Programme. It explained how teachers can create a situation to facilitate student’s learning. [su_members login_url="https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=https://clt.vtc.edu.hk/teaching-students-with-specific-learning-difficulties-ii/"] The teacher translates the seating plan into a coordinate map when teaching the topic “coordinate (geometry)”. First, the teacher divides the students into groups and allows them to sit wherever they like in the classroom. The student sitting in the middle of the classroom is (0,0), and the one sitting in front of him is (0,1) and the one sitting on his right is (1,0). The teacher randomly chooses a coordinate, and the student sitting in that coordinate needs to answer a question. Teachers expressed that students understood the topic better and learnt more proactively when they adopted this teaching method. June Webline_v2_2 [/su_members] Apart from the above methods, some teachers have shared with us how they use colours to help students categorise and analyse the main points of the passage. Now, you have learnt the above and certainly there are more strategies. After all, teaching is an art. Use your imagination and creativity in your daily teaching practices! June Webline_v2_3

"Intense Color Coded Notes" by Michael Mandiberg is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0