教與學空間系列 (二): 社工培訓研習室






整個輔導過程在面談室內進行,面談室模擬了真實的輔導面談情境,擺放了沙發、椅子和茶几,讓參與者能在一個舒適的環境中暢所欲言。學生分別扮演社工和個案事主,透過角色扮演和模擬案例分析,把課堂上的理論及技巧充分實踐出來。 另一方面,其他同學在觀察室內,透過單面鏡子及揚聲器的裝置,可清楚觀察及聆聽扮演者在面談室的整個過程,經過深入討論及導師的回饋和意見,更了解相關理論與實務運用的技巧。 除了讓學生有模擬實習機會外,導師要求他們以兩人一組進行角色扮演,並錄影面談過程,作為評核用途。學生需要自我評核及互相評核,從談話內容、說話態度、身體語言、手勢,以及回應等各方面,撰寫一份報告。通過這樣的訓練,學生不但能深入了解社會工作範疇的專業知識,更能掌握個案輔導、小組工作及社區工作的技巧,並且能建立良好的工作態度。 01


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Teaching and Learning Space series (2): Social Worker Training Laboratory


The Department of Child Education and Community Services (CECS) of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education set up a “Social Worker Training Laboratory” (Laboratory) for the "Social Work Skills Training Workshop” of the Higher Diploma in Social Work Programme at Sha Tin Campus in 2012. The aim of setting up the Laboratory is to equip students with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes through practice-oriented activities, such as role-play and simulated case studies, to enhance students’ counselling skills, communication skills and observation skills in a simulated environment.

Features of “Social Worker Training Laboratory”

The Laboratory is divided into two rooms: interview room and observation room, with a one-way mirror in between. Two CCTV cameras and a video recording system have also been installed in both rooms to record the entire interview processes. These facilities enable students to review sessions, to promote self-reflection and peer evaluation for the counselling process.

For Simulation Practice and Assessment

The interview room would provide a simulated environment for the counselling process. The setting of the room - a sofa, chairs and coffee table - would allow students to talk freely in a comfortable environment. During the role-play, students would take role to be a social worker and a client in a simulated case. Such learning could help students to apply theories into practice. Through the one-way mirror and the speaker devices in the observation room, other students could observe and listen the whole counselling process. After that, they would have an in-depth discussion and the instructor would give feedback and comments. Students could then have a better understanding of the theories and the use of counselling techniques. In addition to the above simulation practice, the whole counselling process would be video-recorded for assessment purposes. Students in pairs would be required to do self-assessment and peer-assessment based on different aspects of the conversation, talking attitude, body language and gestures, as well as their responses and so on; and finally to submit a written report. Through this training, students could have a better understanding of the professional knowledge and attitude required in the social work sector, and the skills for working with individuals, groups and communities. 01

Social Worker Training Laboratory

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Interview Room


Video Recording System

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Observation Room


CCTV Camera

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