
為配合職業訓練局教導員的專業發展,教學中心聯同高峰進修學院及人力資源科於七月尾至八月初舉辦第一期為期四天的「教導360」培訓課程。顧名思義,該課程旨在帶給學員全方位的學習和新的思維模式。因此,內容除了包括個人效能、溝通技巧及教學技巧外,還有職業教育發展和職訓局最新動向。該課程由不同範疇的專業導師執教,並邀請到副執行幹事(A)梁任城先生親臨教室為學員介紹局內發展的策略,及與他們交流日常的教學情況。 經過四天的課程,我們喜見來自二十二個教學單位共三十七位學員能從導師身上學到寶貴的知識,更與同工交流教學及工作心得,加強彼此的連繫。「教導360」在新學年將會繼續開班,有興趣的教導員萬勿錯過!

Development Programme for Instructors (DPI)

To enhance the professional development of the instructors of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), a brand new programme “Development Programme for Instructors (DPI)” was launched between late July and early August.The programme was jointly organised by the Institute of Professional Education and Knowledge (PEAK), Human Resources Division (HRD) and the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT). Self-explanatory from the programme title, it aims to expose the participants in all-round learning and think with new dimensions. Therefore the programme not only covers personal effectiveness, interpersonal skills, facilitation skills; but also the development of vocational education and training (VET) and new initiatives of the VTC. In addition to the professional facilitators from different aspects, it was our pleasure to have Mr Leung Yam Shing, DED(A), to meet the participants, introducing the latest strategic direction of the Council and exchange experience of daily operation with them. After four days of programme, we were pleased to see the thirty-seven participants from twenty-two teaching units not only gained valuable knowledge from the facilitators, but also exchanged enthusiastically on teaching and work, and built up close connection with each other. With the favourable feedback from the participants, more intakes of DPI will be offered in the coming year. Instructors who are interested should not miss!