

DSC_0019 何遠東先生與老師分享演員的表達技巧。

  1. 熟讀劇本 劇本是編劇為電視及電影編製的講稿,當中包括對白、動作、行動和表情。老師必須熟讀「劇本」。換句話說,寫好教案及在腦海中排練課堂,都有助順利「演出」。老師更可預計學生的反應,預先作準備呢。  
  2. 設計引人入勝的標題 電影、電視劇叫好叫座,可能全因耀眼奪目的戲名或劇名。你可曾想過給一般單元或章節起個動聽易記的標題呢?譬如:電梯維修課可說成「電梯情緣」嗎?易記動人的標題,不但趣味盎然,更可提升學生的學習動機,增強記憶力。  
  3. 上演預告 流動電視播放站每每善用特備時段宣傳精彩的新資訊。同樣,老師下課前亦可預告下一課最有趣或重要的片段,吸引學生下次準時來上課。另外,老師下課前,亦可提出一道讓人深思或趣味無窮的問題,觸發學生的思考,答案則可留待下回分解。  
  4. 散發幽默感 幽默的演員不斷製造歡樂,娛樂觀眾。幽默感可以是與生俱來,也可以是後天培養的。老師不妨多看喜劇和笑話,並加以模仿;久而久之,老師可以運用自己的想像力與創意,培養獨一無二的幽默感。這些幽默感可抗衡負面的情緒,減少憂慮,讓喜樂和正面的情緒展現眼前。  

DSC_0025 幽默感有助營造歡樂的氣氛。


How can Teachers Enhance Their Presentation Skills, from a Performer’s View?

Speaking to and interacting with students directly could be the quickest and most efficient way to deliver the subject matter and build rapport. Therefore, whether it is a class of ten or 100 students, it is worth to master presentation skills. Teachers and performers are alike; the skills of being able to connect to the students and audience are the key for success in teaching and performance. In view of this, the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) invited Mr Anthony Ho, an experienced performer, to share his experience on presentation from a performer’s perspective with our teachers in early October 2015. Synthesising the theatrical term “breaking the fourth wall”, Anthony encouraged our teachers to reach out to our audience of students using the following techniques:

DSC_0019 Mr Anthony Ho shared his experience on presentation from a performer’s perspective with our teachers.

  1. Familiarise with script A script is a written work by screenwriters for a film or a television programme, which narrates the performers about their dialogues, movements, actions and expressions. Teachers are encouraged to be familiar with their scripts too. In other words, a well-written lesson plan and mental rehearsal of the lesson are conducive to a smooth performance in class. To go further, teachers could anticipate the response of students and prepare their feedback in advance too.  
  2. Give a catchy title A blockbusting film or television programme could be attributed to a catchy title. Have you ever thought of giving a catchy alternative to the conventional module or section title? For example, could a lesson about elevator maintenance be “Romance in the Elevator”? On top of making fun, some attractive and easy-to-remember titles could enhance students’ motivation to learn and refresh their memory.  
  3. Do promo Broadcast television stations promote upcoming newscasts by featuring special-interest featured segment, for example. Similarly, teachers could inspire students’ loyalty by promoting the most interesting or important part of the upcoming lesson too. Alternatively, teachers could raise a thought-provoking or an intensely interesting question at the end of the lesson, to which answer will be offered in the next lesson.  
  4. Be humourous A humourous performer is keen on provoking laughter and providing amusement to the audience. Humour could be an in-born character, as well as cultivated. To start with, teachers could expose themselves to the world of comedies and jokes, and imitate. Later on teachers are encouraged to use their imagination and innovation to develop their unique sense of humour. Humour could be used to offset negative feelings, reduce anxiety and allow more positive and happy emotions to surface.  

DSC_0025 Sense of humour can provoke laughter and provide amusement to the audience.

Interested in learning more about presentation skills from different performers? Stay tuned with our “Teachers as Performers” series! Wish you a good show!