

具才能及專業的教師是優質教育的支柱,教師專業發展最終有利於學生的學習,所以教學中心定期提供不同的教師培訓課程,令教師在教學中不斷優化及創新。 大家不妨考慮以下的課程:

新教師入職培訓課程 (ITP)

所有新入職的全職教師和教導員均可參加新教師入職培訓課程 (ITP)。 這個為期24小時的課程,目的是協助新教師掌握教學知識、技能和態度,從而成為具效能的專業教師,能有效地促進學生的學習。該課程涵蓋切身主題,例如職業訓練局的學與教文化、學習成效跟教學活動和評估三者之間的一致性;以及支援不同學習需要的教學策略。此外,今年課程更加強了科技增潤學習的元素,以協助教師更有效地把本局所推行的科技發展融入教學中。秋季學期共開辦三輪課程,首輪課程將於2018年9月開始。詳情請查看ITP網頁

職業專才教育進階教學培訓課程 (ATP)

假如你有二至五年於本局任教的經驗,職業專才教育進階教學培訓課程(ATP)將為你提供增值進修培訓,以提升你在職業專才教育的教學知識和技巧。這個18小時的課程採用混合式學習方法,為參與者提供靈活的學習體驗。在課程中,你將認識職業專才教育的重要發展、創新教學法和資訊及通訊科技, 也會接觸到職場學習、共融學習及問題導向學習的教學策略。秋季學期共開辦三輪課程,首輪課程將於2018年10月開始。有關課程的詳細資料,可瀏覽ATP網頁

科技增潤學習培訓課程 (TEL Structured Programme) 

對於那些希望提升科技知識和技能以運用於日常教學中的教師,科技增潤學習培訓課程(TEL Structured Programme)將為你提供一個機會,探索如何運用電子資源和教育科技工具,通過實踐和練習提高學生的參與度和動力。這9小時的課程包括以下三個單元:

  • 科技運用的教學法
  • 運用教育科技工具推動學生學習
  • 利用電子學習資源規劃教學活動


常說學習無邊界,教師亦是永遠的學習者。專業發展課程可以提升你的教學技巧,並裝備你以適應職業專才教育瞬息萬變的環境。 就讓我們為教育事業向前邁進一步,發展專業思維並付諸行動!

Join CLT Programmes for Teachers’ Professional Development

The new academic year starts in September. Have you signed up any training programmes for professional development? As competent and professional teachers are the backbone of quality education and professional development will in turn benefit students' learning, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) offers teacher training regularly to support teahcers in the pursuit of excellence and innovation in learning and teaching. Here are some programmes for your choice:

Introduction to Teaching Programme (ITP)

All newly-recruited full-time teaching and instructing staff are welcome to the Introduction to Teaching Programme (ITP). This 24-hour Programme, is to equip new teachers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become professional teachers who can effectively facilitate student learning in VTC. The Programme cover survival topics, such as learning and teaching culture in VTC, the alignment between learning outcomes, teaching activities and the assessment; and the appropriate strategies to support the diverse needs of our students. Besides, the Programme this year is enriched by more technology enhanced learning (TEL) elements, to help teachers align their teaching with Council's development in technology. Three intakes are scheduled in the Autumn Semester, commencing in September 2018. For more details, please check out the ITP webpage.

Advanced Teaching Programme in Vocational and Professional Education and Training (ATP)

If you are in your second to fifth year of teaching in VTC, the Advanced Teaching Programme in Vocational and Professional Education and Training (ATP) would be a value-added refresher for you to enhance pedagogical knowledge and teaching skills in vocational and professional education and training (VPET). The 18-hour Programme adopts a blended learning approach to facilitate flexible learning experience for the participants. In the Programme, you will learn about the key development in VPET, the innovative pedagogies and information and communications technology (ICT), the strategies for workplace learning and inclusive classroom, and problem-based learning. There are three intakes in the Autumn Semester and the first one commences in October 2018. The details of the Programme can be accessed at  the ATP webpage

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Structured Programme

For those who aspire to enhance knowledge and skills in using technology in daily teaching, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Structured Programme would give you the opportunities to explore the e-Resources and EdTech tools to increase students' engagement and motivation by hands-on practice. The 9-hour Programme consists of the following three modules:

  • Pedagogies of Using Technology in Learning and Teaching   
  • Motivating Students with Educational Technology Tools  
  • Planning Learning and Teaching Activities with e-Learning Resources 

Three intakes are scheduled in the Autumn Semester while the first one commences in late September 2018. For more details, please check out the TEL Structured Programme webpage.

Learning knows no boundaries and teachers will always be learners. Professional development can help you sharpen your teaching skills and better equip you for the rapidly changing environment in VPET. Let's take a step forward to develop your professional thinking and practice for your career!