Mastering Classroom Management: Strategies for Promoting Positive Behaviours and Handling Disruptive Behaviours

Date :

2024-05-09 (Thursday)

Time :

14:30 - 16:30

Venue :

Online - Microsoft Teams


2 hours

Medium of Instruction :


Category :

TT04 - Student Support and Pastoral Care

Level :


Mode of Study :


About the Event :

This webinar is designed to equip teachers with a comprehensive set of strategies for creating a positive learning environment in order to enhance their classroom management skills. Through this webinar, participants will explore a range of effective techniques for promoting positive behaviours, preventing disruptive behaviours, and handling them constructively when they occur. By the end of the webinar, participants will have the knowledge needed mastering classroom management and creating an engaging learning experience for their students.

Facilitator(s) :

Miss LEUNG Ching Wai, Fanny
Project Officer | Centre for Learning and Teaching

Intended Learning Outcomes :

On completion of the session, participants are expected to be able to:

  • identify the basic concept of positive education to create a positive learning environment;
  • review key principles of classroom management to engage students; and
  • suggest ways to deal with students' disruptive behaviours in the classroom.

Target Audience :

VTC Teaching and Instructing Staff

Enquiry :

Ms TSE Yin Fong, Joanne
Project Officer
Tel: 2836-1239  