
人工智能正以超越我們能夠想像的方式去改變世界。從Siri和Google Assistant 等安裝在我們手機上的語音助手,到能夠在圍棋對弈中戰勝人類的AlphaGo,人工智能已經以不同形態成為我們日常生活的一部分。與擴增實境及虛擬實境相比,目前人工智能輔助教學的技術還處於起步階段。但在不久將來,更多更具創意的人工智能應用將會為教學帶來全新面貌。


1. 智能輔助教學系統 

現時已有不少輔助教學系統加入了人工智能技術,並應用於輔助學生學習基礎數學及英文寫作。市場上正在研發這類系統的公司有Thinkster Math及Front Row等,教師可以利用系統跟進學生的表現及了解他們學習上遇到的困難,同時亦可以分析學生用哪種學習方法效益最大。採用智能輔助教學系統後,教師將可以騰出更多寶貴時間用作教導學生高層次的技能,例如批判性思考能力,解難能力和創造力等。

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美國佐治亞理工學院研發了一位名叫Jill Watson的智能助教。她能夠在網上討論區解答學生問題,因為她是一部由IBM Watson AI平台支援的電腦。在系統開始運作前,科研人員預先在IBM Watson AI 平台輸入了超過40,000個論壇貼文。學生在討論區發問後,Jill Watson便可在數據庫中搜尋類似的問題並作出即時回應。很多學生即使對課堂內容存有疑問,亦不喜歡在課堂上公開提出。但隨著智能助教的出現,學生可以選擇在網上作個別提問,而且智能助教的耐性絕對無人能及,讓學生可以不斷重複發問。

2. 自動化寫作評分工具



3. 對話式收集課程意見




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4. 預測學生成績表現


市場上其中一個預測分析系統Blackboard Predict使用了的學生資料和電子學習平台的數據來建構預測模型。系統能為教育工作者提供適時的信息,令他們以最快時間識別和接觸到成績有機會低於平均水平的學生。另外,在大規模開放在線課程方面,edX和Coursera平台已經引入這種技術來改進他們的課程。他們使用人工智能技術來監測學生的進度,並在學生表現可能出現問題時提醒教師,令學生可以盡快獲得協助,而教師亦得知課程還有甚麼改善空間。



Blackboard. (2017). Blackboard predict. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from http://www.blackboard.com/education-analytics/blackboard-predict.aspx

EdTechReview. (2013, June 22). What is educational data mining (EDM)? Retrieved November 23, 2017, from http://edtechreview.in/dictionary/394-what-is- educational-data-mining  

Hubert. (2017). Retrieved November 23, 2017, from https://www.hubert.ai  

Livieris, I.E., Drakopoulou, K., & Pintelas, P. (2012). Predicting students' performance using artificial neural networks. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from  http://www.math.upatras.gr/~kdrak/Papers/LDP12.pdf 

OnlineUniversities. (2012, Oct 30). 10 ways artificial intelligence can reinvent education. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from            http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2012/10/10-ways-artificial-intelligence-can-reinvent-education

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impacts Learning and Teaching

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world in more ways than we can imagine. From digital assistants like Siri and Google Assistant in our mobile phone, to AlphaGo that plays the board game Go with human, AI in its many forms is now part of our everyday life. AI is still in its early days as an educational tool compared with other technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), yet there will be more innovative applications to enhance learning and teaching by using AI technology in the near future.

Let's take a glance at the AI applications in the education sector nowadays: 

1. Intelligent Tutoring System

Some tutoring systems based on AI technology have already existed to help students with basic Mathematics and English writing. Software companies, such as Thinkster Math and Front Row, are developing intelligent tutoring system to track students' performance, identifying the concepts that the students find difficult as well as suggesting the learning methods work best for them. Saving time on the above-mentioned work which can be conducted by AI technology, teachers can have more time to work with students on some high-level skills like critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.

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An example of intelligent teaching assistant is Jill Watson developed by the Georgia Institute of Technology in the USA. Jill Watson can respond to students' enquiries in online discussion forums because she is a computer powered by the IBM Watson AI platform. The research staff in the Department of Computer Science fed IBM Watson AI platform with more than 40,000 forum posts to get the system up and running. Students ask questions in the forum and Jill Watson searches similar questions in the database to provide instant support. It is very common that some students are uncomfortable asking in class, even though they have questions. However, with an intelligent teaching assistant, students can make online enquiries privately. The intelligent teaching assistant is also infinitely patient and allows students to ask questions over and over.

2. Automated Essay Scoring System 

Giving feedback to students' written essays is motivating and encouraging to students in the learning process. However, it could be a challenging task for teachers to give feedback to a large number of students, such as in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs are open to global enrolment on international platforms like Coursera. For some popular courses, there can be students from over a hundred countries around the world, so it is unlikely for teachers to give feedback to every student. To solve this problem, AI technology may be the only solution.  

WriQ is an intelligent writing assessment tool for creating a standard measurement for English writing. A large set of pre-scored essays are used to calibrate a scoring system. Once calibrated, the system will be able to create an enormous data set to robustly establish the WriQ score as a standardised norm for assessing writing. It can give a quantitative assessment on spelling accuracy, punctuation correctness and grammar correctness. Once scores are calculated automatically, students receive immediate feedback directly embedded to their writing. There are limitations on evaluating expressions and creativity of writing at this moment, but continuous improvement is trying to make humanised scoring achievable.

3. Conversational Course Evaluation 

Questionnaire is a common method to evaluate teaching effectiveness at the end of a course. It is popular because evaluation with questionnaire is simple and effective. Apart from moving from paper to online surveys, there has been minimal progress to make the feedback process better in any way. It is obvious that there is still a lot of room for improvement with modern-day technology.

With AI-driven chatbots, such as Hubert, students are engaged in a chat-session where valuable feedback to teachers is obtained. Engaging students in conversation rather than asking them to fill out a questionnaire is more natural and the collected data are more realistic. Follow-up questions can also be tailored according to the responses of the students. A chatbot can collect opinions through a conversational interface with the same advantages as a real interview but with a fraction of the required time.


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4. Predict Student's Performance 

Educational Data Mining (EDM) is an emerging technology for exploring the unique types of data that come from educational context. The educational data are taken from students' use of learning management systems and administrative data from the school. EDM can provide answers to some abstract questions like “find the students who will possibly pass the examinations”, which is not possible to execute in traditional database queries. EDM can be used for predicting students' future learning behaviour by creating student models that incorporate detailed information, such as students' knowledge, motivation, metacognition and attitudes. Hence, researchers have begun to investigate various data mining methods to help educators better understand their students.

‘Blackboard Predict' is an example of predictive analytics solution in the market. It uses data from the existing students' information and learning management systems to build a predictive model. The predictive analytics solution provides educators with timely information so that they can identify and reach out to underperforming students before it is too late. In addition, MOOC platforms like edX and Coursera are now using AI technology to analyse the data and find lessons which are effective and which need improvement. They use AI technology to monitor students' progress and to alert teachers when there might be an issue with students' performance. The students can get immediate support and the teachers can find areas for improvement for their lessons.

Although AI is rapidly evolving education and playing a key role in learning analytics and intelligent tutoring, it is not designed to replace teachers because only teachers can bring interactive learning experiences into the classroom. In the future, advances in AI technology would allow the computer to have better communication ability and enable intelligent tutoring assistant to think in a more human-like manner. Perhaps one day when we can all ride around in self-driving cars, AI has brought about dramatic changes in learning and teaching. 

Extended Readings: 

Blackboard. (2017). Blackboard predict.   Retrieved November 23, 2017, from  http://www.blackboard.com/education-analytics/blackboard-predict.aspx 

EdTechReview. (2013, June 22). What is educational data mining (EDM)?   Retrieved November 23, 2017, from http://edtechreview.in/dictionary/394-what-is-educational-data-mining 

Hubert. (2017). Retrieved November 23, 2017, from https://www.hubert.ai 

Livieris, I.E., Drakopoulou, K., & Pintelas, P. (2012). Predicting students' performance using artificial neural networks.   Retrieved November 23, 2017, from http://www.math.upatras.gr/~kdrak/Papers/LDP12.pdf

OnlineUniversities. (2012, Oct 30). 10 ways artificial intelligence can reinvent education. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from    http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2012/10/10-ways-artificial-intelligence-can-reinvent-education