
今年是職業訓練局(VTC)第二年以唯一策略夥伴的身份參與「學與教博覽」,標誌著VTC在職業專才教育中的關鍵角色。為使合作暢順,教學中心負責協調籌備工作。十二月十二日至十四日一連三日在香港會議展覽中心舉行的「學與教博覽」雖然已經曲終人散,但是博覽會的精彩內容相信仍留在每位參觀者的腦海中。博覽會既讓大眾市民可以從多角度認識職業專才教育,亦令業界人士獲得職業專才教育的最新動向和與其他持份者建立網絡;就讓我們齊來回顧VTC 參與的項目並慶祝是次成功。


VTC今年設計了四個不同主題的展位。資訊性的展位展示了職學計劃、雙軌制課程設計、職場學習與評估、專題研習、職業資料庫以及遊戲化學習方法。為呼應VTC科技增潤學習的方向,展位亦邀請參觀者一嘗創新的學習模式:我們特地把矚目的汽車引擎運送到會場,讓參觀者在擴增實境智能眼鏡Mad Gaze的輔助下修理零件。參觀者戴上頭戴式顯示器後就瞬間進入酒店房間和太平山頂,在360度虛擬實境中進行「刑事偵查虛擬實境訓練」和「旅遊VR 旅行團」兩個項目的任務。「個人求生技能」和「貨櫃碼頭操作」的虛擬實境項目引領參觀者完成既真實又刺激的任務,包括在緊急情況下逃離棄船以及操作84米高的碼頭起重機。最後還有SMILeS ── 一個挑戰參觀者的數學和科學綜合邏輯推理遊戲。看到參觀者以永不放棄的精神與人工智能(AI)對戰,對我們起著激勵的作用!令人鼓舞的是我們的參觀者,不論是成人或小朋友、業內或是業外的,都高度讚揚VTC的創新教學理念和努力。





Learning and Teaching Expo 2018

It was the second year VTC participated in the Learning and Teaching Expo (LTE) as the only strategic partner, marking the significant role that VTC plays in vocational and professional education and training (VPET). Once again, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) was delegated to co-ordinate the event. The three-day LTE 2018 from 12 to 14 December at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) was successfully held with the wonderful moments left in countless visitors' minds. It is time to review the engagements of VTC in the event and celebrate its success, which allowed outsiders to peck into VPET from different dimensions and insiders to keep abreast of the trend and network with different stakeholders.

VTC Booths

VTC hosted four booths of diverse themes this year. The informative booths featured the Earn and Learn Scheme, dual-track approach, workplace learning and assessment, project-based learning, occupation dictionary and gamification approach of VTC. Echoing with VTC's technology enhanced learning (TEL) strategy, there were also exhibits inviting visitors to taste the innovative learning experience: The eye-catching vehicle engine was specially transported to the Expo for visitors to have a hands-on experience of fixing the parts with the assistance of Mad Gaze, the augmented reality (AR) smart glasses. After wearing the head-mounted display, the showcased projects of “Crime Scene Inspection” and “VR Tour for Tourism Studies” spontaneously brought visitors to a hotel room and The Peak respectively to carry out their missions in the 360o scenes. The virtual reality (VR) projects of “Personal Survival Techniques” and “Container Terminal Operations” guided visitors to complete authentic and exciting tasks - escaping from an abandoned ship in emergency and operating an 84-metre-high quay crane respectively. Last but not least was “SMILeS”, a mastermind game integrating mathematics and science that challenged the visitors. We were motivated to see our visitors compete with AI (artificial intelligence) in a never-give-up spirit! It was encouraging to see that our visitors, young or mature, insiders or outsiders, were highly engaged with praise to VTC's innovations and efforts.


VPET Theatre

Coupled with the VTC booths was the VPET Theatre. The opening speech of Ir Dr Eric Liu, Deputy Executive Director of VTC, marked the commencement of the programmes of the VPET Theatre on 13 December. It was followed by seven insightful presentations by the prominent guest speakers in institutional and industrial areas, which brought us the latest development in VPET. Dr Eva Tsang, Director of Educational Technology and Publishing, Educational Technology and Publishing Unit, OUHK explained in great details on how the teaching and learning packages (TLPs) of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) Project could be used as open educational resources (OERs) to benefit students, teachers and workplace mentors. Audience were impressed by the humourous approach of Dr Ricky Ng, Head of Centre for Learning and Teaching, VTC in discussing the technology enhanced learning (TEL) strategy in VTC. Mr Raymond Kwok, Principal of Youth College (International), VTC sincerely shared the initial experience in development, implementation and evaluation of project-based learning. The guest speakers from various industry sectors followed, Mr Peter Chak, Vice Principal of Towngas Engineering Academy, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited vividly shared how they attracted, trained and developed professional workforce of young technicians and engineers amidst the declining trend of new comers in the gas profession. Catering for the training needs of over 6,000 staff is never an easy job. Dr Aaron Chiang, Head of Human Resources and Administration, Hong Yip Service Company Limited, inspired the audience with their technology-enabled training tools like staff-developed mobile apps and VR. Mr Brian Liu, Area Director of Human Resources (Hong Kong and Macau), InterContinental Hotels Group, joined together with Mr Tommy Mak, Executive Housekeeper, Holiday Inn Golden Mile to share the VPET learning platform in hotel industry and the development of training content and videos. While workplace learning and assessment has become a hot topic in VPET, Mr Richard Chan, Assistant Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) introduced their online platform “Integrated Trainee Management System” which could facilitate workplace assessment and benefit trainees, mentors and assessors. In view of the aforementioned content, bet you would agree that short as one day, the VPET Theatre has already delivered a vast amount of information on the latest development of VPET.

Thanks to the concerted effort of different operational units of VTC and VPET stakeholders, the LTE 2018 concluded in great success with a highlight in VPET. Let us look forward to the 10th LTE next year for another momentous event in VPET!