
在德國傳統中,父母會在開學的第一天與孩子一起舉行派對慶祝'Einschulung'(一年級)和'Jugensweihe' (成為青少年)。 這個傳統不僅為了慶祝孩子的學習,同時也表揚教師所付出的努力。高等教育是青少年成長中重要而難忘的其中一個階段,也是年輕人獲得知識和技能以追求終身興趣和職業的時候, 你又會怎樣與學生慶祝這個新階段的開始? 我們深信,我們積極投入的老師是學生展耀光芒的關鍵。 在本學年的開始,教學中心向所有老師表達我們的敬意。 讓我們一起慶祝學與教,祝願大家渡過美好而豐盛的一年!

Greetings from CLT: Celebrating Learning and Teaching

In German tradition, parents would organise parties to celebrate ‘Einschulung' (first grade) and ‘Jugensweihe' (becoming a young adult) with their children on the first day of school. This tradition not merely celebrates education, but also praises teachers' efforts in teaching. Post-secondary education is a paramount and memorable stage in a youth's life, in which the youth acquire knowledge and skills to pursuit their lifelong interests and professions. How would you celebrate the commencement of this new stage with your students? We believe that our committed and devoted teachers are the keys for students to glow. In this very first day of this academic year, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) would like to express our note of appreciation to all VTC teachers. Let's celebrate learning and teaching and may we wish you all a wonderful and fruitful year!